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Friday, January 11, 2008

Doors: An Introduction

Doors: An IntroductionThere are several types of doors available for different needs. All doors are considered either exterior or interior models. The main differences between interior and exterior doors is the construction, weather-tightness, weight, and other related factors that determine their exposure and use.

Weather-tight exterior doors typically are the front and back entry doors, french doors, sliding glass doors, and patio doors. Interior doors are lighter-weight and are used mainly for rooms, closets, and other similar areas inside the home.

The type of door and how it is made will be determined by where and how you are using it. If you want it to be secure, then the door should be solid, durable, and have very effective hardware. If you want both security and natural light with a view, then choose a door that incorporates glass such as french doors, glass slider doors, or patio doors. If you need more ventilation, choose a louvered door or one that swings open. Interior doors are used primarily for dividing rooms and closets. Save some money here by using lightweight hollow-core doors. Doors swing on hinges, but you also have the option of choosing styles that slide on tracks or fold and unfold.

Where you put certain styles of doors in your home will also add to your style and decor. For this reason you should take the time to choose the correct material, style, and operation of all of your doors.



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